Domingo Sandoval - World Class Academy

Domingo Sandoval


Program: Kayak
Title: Teacher
Courses Taught: AP Calculus, Physics, Pre Calculus, and Spanish


B.A. Physics – Universidad Católica

Domingo grew up in Santiago, Chile, where he and his family spent much of their free time on the river, learning to kayak and soaking in the beautiful views Chile has to offer. In addition to outdoor activities, Domingo began practicing gymnastics in the 3rd grade, a sport he continued to compete in until he graduated from university.

Domingo graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica with a bachelor’s degree in physics. During his college years, he worked as a tutor, teaching mathematics, physics, and gymnastics.

After graduating, he moved to Pucón, a small town in southern Chile renowned for its rivers. There, he continued working as a tutor, while also paddling on a daily basis. Pucón feels like home to Domingo whenever he is in Chile.

In January 2024, Domingo joined the World Class Kayak Academy, where he taught Pre-Calculus and Advanced Spanish. This program has allowed Domingo to combine his passion for science with an active lifestyle.

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