Laura Macchiavello

Laura Macchiavello


Program: Kayak
Title: Teacher
Courses Taught: Comparative Literature, Economics, Government, Junior Seminar, Spanish, and The College Experience


B.A. Psychology – Chico State University

Laura is originally from California, born and raised in the Bay Area. Her kayaking career started on the Trinity, where she became fascinated by the river and what it has to offer. She spent many summers working in Jackson, Wyoming, exploring the nearby rivers and mountains, and spent a few winters and springs living in the White Salmon, Washington area while exploring the rivers of the Pacific Northwest.

She earned a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Chico State University. Upon graduating, she worked as an elementary bilingual teacher in Hayward, California until joining the WCA team last year. This year she will be teaching Intermediate/Advanced Spanish, Comparative Literature, and Senior Seminar. She is excited to be able to spend another year teaching in such a unique educational environment.

When she’s not on the water or in the classroom, she can be found swimming, eating good food, or finding new spots to explore.

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