Casey Elliott Staff Bio

Casey Elliott

Casey Elliot Climb Portrait

Program: Climb
Title: Head Coach, Teacher
Courses Taught: Calculus, Physics, and The College Experience


B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering — University of Utah

I was born and raised in Boise, Idaho with the outdoors as my playground. From a very young age I grew up on fishing, skiing, rafting, and camping. I tried every sport imaginable until I settled on club soccer for the majority of my childhood through high school. However, the second I learned to climb in high school, all other sports faded away.

I truly discovered my passion for climbing when I moved to Salt Lake City for college. With incredible access and a passionate climbing community, it was hard not to dive headfirst into the sport. While pursuing my degree, I coached the youth climbing team at Momentum, and started the collegiate climbing team at the University of Utah – which in the first two years became national champions. While I cherished my degree and the research I was able to conduct as an undergrad, the climbing community had too big of a hold on me. As soon as I graduated I moved into my van to pursue climbing as full time as possible.

During the past few years I worked as a Wilderness Therapy Counselor, a sales and marketing director for Kailas (climbing brand), and built climbing walls for USA Climbing. I am overjoyed now to settle into a more consistent work flow and be a part of the community at TCA because it is an incredible representation of all the things I love about climbing. While not at TCA, I live in my van and continue to pursue personal climbing objectives.

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