Cole Buller

Cole Buller

Cole Buller Headshot

Program: Kite
Title: Teacher
Courses Taught: Chemistry and Comparative Literature


B.A. Chemistry from Hope College

My hometown is on the coast of Lake Michigan in the United States. Watersports have been a part of my life since my parents put me on waterskis when I was three. Growing up, I competed in waterskiing and snow skiing. In high school, I started working for a kite shop and started kiting!

Through high school and college, I coached kiting, foiling, and snow skiing in Michigan. After college, I moved to North Carolina to chase better wind and waves while coaching kiteboarding.

I love to take advantage of all the disciplines of kiting and foiling offer. If the wind isn’t strong enough for big air or wave riding, you can find me on my foil dockstarting or surfing. There is always a way to have fun on the water!

WCKA is an incredible organization that allows students to progress in their sport while getting an education. I am grateful to be a part of this academy and to share my passion for the sciences, literature, and having fun no matter what the conditions are.

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