Jules Jimreivat - World Class Academy

Jules Jimreivat

Jules Jimreivat Portrait Climb

Program: Climb
Title: Teacher
Courses Taught: Algebra II, Biology, Media Productions, and The College Experience


B.S. in Biology, Minor in Chemistry, Minor in Outdoor Leadership & Education — Westminster College

I am super excited to be working closely with youth to grow as athletes, students, and responsible outdoor climbers. I first heard about the school a few years ago, and was amazed by the concept of blending learning and passion for a sport while traveling the world. I’ve always been a believer in experiential education, as well as integrated learning.

Climbing has been a driving force in my life since I started climbing at the age of 7. I began competing in the youth series a few years after at both a national and international level. Attending college in Salt Lake City, UT enabled me to acquire extensive experience climbing outdoors, and also cemented in my mind that climbing was a lifelong passion. I believe pushing my personal limits outside is the greatest joy in climbing.

My minor in Outdoor Leadership & Education included working as a trip leader through the Outdoor Recreation Program at Westminster College. I primarily focused on leading climbing trips there, and have enjoyed working with groups of new and experienced climbers in outdoor settings.

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