Michelle Fortier - World Class Academy

Michelle Fortier


Program: Kayak
Title: Teacher
Courses Taught: AP Statistics, Environmental Studies, and Geometry


B.A. Environmental Studies
B.A. Theatre

Born and raised in British Columbia, Michelle received her B.A from the university of Victoria double majoring in environmental studies and theatre. During her time on Vancouver island, Michelle was introduced to kayaking and has been pursuing her passion ever since through travelling and instructing. Paddling has taken her around the world and back but her favourite place to kayak is still the Sea to Sky where she calls Squamish home. Before coming to world class kayak academy, Michelle worked in fisheries research and conservation. Having spent the past 7 years along riverbanks professionally and leisurely, advocating for salmon and kayakers alike, Michelle is excited to share her experiences teaching environmental science and working with students to become better stewards within the sport. In the rare instances where she isn’t kayaking, Michelle can often be found playing music or running in the mountains. Other courses taught include AP statistics and Geometry.

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