Toni Leopold Leidl - World Class Academy

Toni Leopold Leidl

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Program: Kite
Title: Program Director
Courses Taught: Algebra I, Algebra II, AP Human Geography, Geometry, and Media Productions


M.Sc. in Sports Science at the University of Innsbruck, Cert. Physical Education Teacher University of Munich, Cert. Medical Mental Coach Vitalakademie Innsbruck

I’m originally from Passau, Germany. Sport has always been a big part of my life – I love to kite, snowboard, surf, windsurf, wing, skate, climb and to play basketball. The attraction, especially to kiteboarding, for me is the freedom it gives you. My other interests are filming and photography, music and cooking.

After graduating from high school, I moved to Innsbruck (Austria), studied sports science and completed a professional training as a teacher. I worked for five years as head coach in a boarding school in winter sports, where I was responsible for the freestyle snowboarders competing at national to international level (Youth Olympics, World Junior Champs, European and World Championships).

I’m stoked to have been involved as a teacher for WCKA since 2023, traveling the world and working with such a diverse, young and talented team.