Kalob Grady - World Class Academy

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Learning Experiences in Sinague

Four locals march up the river on their way to shred their backyard run.

April 16 2019

After throwing my sweatpants, hammock, kayaking shorts, and camera into my backpack, I loaded into the van for a long ride from Baeza to the Sinague community. I was clueless about this trip at the time; where we were going? what the people were like? where were we staying?… In the back of my mind […]


March 25 2019

Riv-er Noun *a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream* BUT What is a River? Is it a hindrance? Something we must overcome? Something we must tame and conquer? OR Is it a free-flowing state of tranquility and safety? A place of peace? Is […]

The Sinague Community: A World Class Service Learning Project

March 10 2019

During our time in Ecuador with World Class we were given the opportunity to spend a weekend in the Sinangue Community, which lies on the banks of the Cofanes River.            The Sinangue-Cofanes Community is a long-standing group of people who inhabit large portions of land along the Aguitas River Basin. They originally spoke the […]
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