The Alumni Magazine, Volume 1 - World Class Academy

The Alumni Magazine, Volume 1

9 thoughts on “The Alumni Magazine, Volume 1”

  1. As a former TCA parent, I love receiving these updates and seeing how amazing all the students are, and the wonderful opportunities that helped shape their experiences. I am very impressed with the magazine itself and love the layout and seeing what unparalleled photographers the students are. Being able to see some of the scenery and climbs they have accomplished is amazing and am looking forward to receiving more.

  2. Marie-Louise Kellett

    Fantastic! Anything from World Class, always bring a big smile to my face – the 3 quarters that Cam spent there were such a positive experience for him and for us as parents.

  3. Wow! Beautifully put together, stunning photography, and a moving article from Rachel that put a smile on my face. Thank you!

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