Drew Lefkowith - World Class Academy

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How to Workout like TCA

June 17 2023

While rock climbing is a big part of what we do, our off-the-rock workouts are also important. They give our bodies a break – and our fingers – while also strengthening us for the next redpoint attempt, the next project, the next climb. Below is a core workout from this past year with TCA. Try […]

Hot Tip Tuesday: How to Poop at the Crag

May 23 2023

As we head outdoors this summer, it’s important we remember our impact on the areas we visit. A lot of climbers head out to the same crags, and we have a big influence on the environment. One way to lessen that impact is to follow LNT or Leave No Trace principles, especially when it comes […]

Hot Tip Tuesday: How to be a Supportive Belayer

May 10 2023

In some ways, belaying – and the belayer – is almost as important as the climbing. Yes, the climber actually does the hard moves, takes the falls, and clips the chains. But without the belayer, the fall wouldn’t be pillowy soft. The climber may not remember a key foothold. They might not remember to take […]

Hot Tip Tuesday: Sending the Water Project

April 25 2023

Water is such a fundamental part of athletics, performance, and being outside. And it is also such an easy piece to forget. You get psyched on your project and forget to drink water because you want to remember the beta or talk about the climb with someone else at the crag. Or you go belay […]

Hot Tip Tuesday: How to be a Mentally Strong Climber

April 11 2023

This Tuesday’s hot tip relates to the mental aspect of climbing, a piece that is arguably just as important as the physical side of the sport. Being a mentally strong climber has many sides, some of which include: It’s so easy to fall into the trap of “should,” getting down on yourself if you feel […]
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